Our House, Our Run 2023
Thank you for participating in the 2023 Our House, Our Run 4-miler or 2-mile event in Berkeley Heights, NJ! This 24th annual event provides programs and services to more than 350 adults with disabilities served by Our House.

Browse the gallery for your photos. Download for FREE! (Once you click on a photo, a download icon and share icon appears above it or download original is an option in the upper left menu.) If you're interested in purchasing a print or product with your photo, please reach out to Jen: [email protected]

If you can't find your photo, you can search using "pre-race" or "2M" (for 2 mile walk) or "4M" (for 4 mile event) or "awards" (for the awards and prizes after the run and walks) or "EAW" (for Everyone's a Winner event).

Thanks to the race sponsors!

More info about Our House: ourhousenj.org


Visitors 21
150 photos

2 Miler

Visitors 11
51 photos
2 Miler

4 Miler Race

Visitors 40
451 photos
4 Miler Race

4 Miler Finish Line

Visitors 44
639 photos
4 Miler Finish Line

Everyone's A Winner

Visitors 16
110 photos
Everyone's A Winner

Awards/After Races

Visitors 17
166 photos
Awards/After Races